San Jose City College Media Club, Creative Arts Collective club and Associated Student Government collaborated to put on an art fair located near the Student Center, on Thursday, Dec. 8. The holiday-themed event, which was catered by local soul-food restaurant Jackie’s Place, was adorned with complementary cookies and decorative ornaments.
Ron Ferrari, the Media Club Vice President, talked about how the Media Club and the Creative Arts Club came together to work on the event together.
“SJCC Media Club linked up with the Creative Arts Club to put our two events together. Theirs was an art fair, and ours was like a tailgate. We’re having food from Jackie’s Place any minute now,” Ferrari said.

Daisy Reyes, a student at San Jose City College, who also works at Jackie’s Place and was a key contributor to their decision to cater to the event, described herself as joyful to be employed there.
Tachiya Bryant, the president of Media Club, wanted to increase engagement and presence of the Media Club, which drove her to start planning on-campus events.
“It was a long process. There were a lot of nos before yeses,” said Bryant, who later mentioned that she started to plan out the event two months prior, in September.