SJCC track team aims to be on the top

Players plan to win as many meets as they can

Iber Moreno

A team member practices in March.

The San Jose City College track team has some good athletes working hard in the weight room and on the track this season.

A track team member practices in March. (Iber Moreno)

The track team is on track to win a conference title not only as a team, but individually each person has a goal.

First-year track star and javelin thrower Alec Grey said the season is going so well, and he wishes to accomplish being on the top at the end of the season.

“My season is going pretty well. I started ranked No. 7 in Northern California, and now I’m in the top 10 which is really cool. It’s been a good start to the season,” Grey said.

Grey Also spoke about his favorite thing about track.

“It’s really just a calm environment where you’re competing against just one person, and you battle yourself out, which is really cool,” Grey said.

Grey also said his goal and what he wants to accomplish for himself as an athlete.

“The goal this year playing track was to make myself a better athlete. I’m not too concerned about the accolades and what not, but just becoming a better athlete for the future,” Grey said.

Second-year track star and shot put and discus thrower Chris Llar explained his goals and his experience on the track team.

“Track is going solid, getting better and stronger every week; and my form for running is getting better on the track,” LIar said. “Being around people, it’s a good environment and a great time. Alec is there since he’s a football player as well and we both do track,” Llar said.

Llar spoke about his individual end goal for the track team and is working hard for it.

“My end goal is to get in the top 12 in the state,” Llar said, “and see how it goes.”