Life as a millennial is challenging

K. Andrea Meza Flores, Times Staff

Being an adult has constantly changed in definition.

Adulthood was once viewed as moving out of your parents’ place, finding a partner and contributing to society with a fairly good grasp of your life.

This is not the case in the Bay Area for millennials, but they are still contributing to society.

According to the real estate company Zillow, more than 20% of millinnials are still living with their parents.

San Jose is the most expensive city to live in according to Business Insider’s Andy Kiersz.

The rent has become so high that if millennials move out, they risk spending too much on rent, which would leave very little for other expenses.

Many students need scholarships and loans to get through college, with costs ranging from $3,100 to $17,400, according to College Tuition Compare’s website (

According to an article on NPR by Elissa Nadworny and Clare Lombardo, “I’m Drowning: Those Hit Hardest By Student Loan Debt Never Finished College,” this is a vicious cycle for students because when the loans default, the IRS takes from their tax returns.

Loans are a harsh reality. They tend to cripple students financially. Many students who are entirely focused on school don’t get much job experience, meaning they have a hard time landing even simple jobs, much less ones they actually studied for. Many face unemployment even after earning a degree.

Editor and cofounder of Inside Higher Ed, Doug Lederman wrote in “The Bad First Job’s Lingering Impact,” that it is better to get a job with a degree than getting that first job without needing a degree because there’s a higher chance that one will stay in that job for five to ten years or even longer.

Even STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) students can struggle finding and keeping a job in their field of study, though not as bad as psychology majors according to Forbes in “Underemployment Persists Throughout College Graduates’ Careers.”

Having to deal with the problem of student loans, getting a job and moving out, it’s hard to find time to start a family. People are too busy trying to sort out their lives.

Because of the way many millennials prioritize their concerns, some believe they are not contributing to society.
