How to stay safe in the event of a wildfire

Let’s not have a repeat of last year

Zoe Goddard, Times Staff

West Coast states including Hawaii, Alaska and Nevada are in the danger zone when it comes to wildfires, according to a map created by the National Interagency Fire Center of Boise, Idaho.

Wildfires have always been something we are told to be careful of, especially those of us who grew up in California.

The Camp Fire in Butte County burned a total of 153,336 acres, burned down the town of Paradise and killed 85 people last year, according to KQED.

There are always simple things you can do to prevent wildfires:

  • Checking to make sure the weather isn’t going to be windy when having a campfire or burning anything around your property.
  • If you have a campfire going, never leave it unattended. An adult should be around at all times.
  • Always make sure that if you are smoking you put it out all the way since even the smallest flame can become a huge out of control fire.

Wildfires need to be taken extremely seriously. Tiny fires can create such big problems.

You can do all this but someone may still start a fire somewhere. According to National Geographic, most wildfires originate from human error.

Here are a few tips from that article on wildfire safety:

  • When you are told to evacuate you should do so right away.
  • Prepare an evacuation route and an evacuation checklist and supply list ahead of time so you are always ready.
  •  And when you are evacuating make sure you wear protective clothing and shoes because of sparks that may touch you.