Studying abroad exposes students to new cultures

Studying abroad exposes students to new cultures.

Photo courtesy of Times Staff

Studying abroad exposes students to new cultures.

Studying abroad is not an unfamiliar term with people anymore, especially within the scholars community. First started in the 20th century, or more specifically, in 1923, “America’s first study abroad program was launched at the University of Delaware when a young professor walked into the president’s office with a daring plan: to send students abroad for their junior year,” according to the official website of the University of Delaware.

In the following years, this activity seems to turn into a popular trend when the number of students deciding to pursue education in a country, which is not their motherland, increases more and more. Some people state that there are many hardships of studying in another country, some others believe strongly in the blessings that abroad education will return to the student. But we believe, going to study in a country that is different from the home country will bring students more good than harm.

On the one hand, pursuing knowledge in a country that is totally different from the country that a student was born and raised in may cause some problems.

Firstly, it costs a large amount of money for students to be able to afford educational fees in an advanced country compared to their country. For example, the fees parents or students are supposed to pay for college is much cheaper for them in Vietnam compared to those fees in the U.S or U.K. Furthermore, the financial burden can lead parents or students to an immense stress.

Secondly, many unexpected hardships can happen to international students when they leave their comfort zone to live in a brand new country that they attend college in. In more specific words, because of the lack of deep knowledge and experience living in that non-home country, there are many untold crimes that they have never heard of or been aware of before.

For example, when an Asian student attends an American university, they might unexpectedly experience the Asian hate in the U.S., which might frighten them.

On the other hand, having the chance to study at a distinguished constitution does contribute considerably to their progress.

By joining a highly ranked school, they will have the opportunity to obtain the best educational methods and lectures in the world, because of that, their range of knowledge and mindset will thrive incredibly.

Not only that but they can also be able to interact with the best professors, who can give them the most reliable advice and directions.

International education is also such a great chance for one to sharpen their foreign language skill as well as learning new cultures. By meeting many new people from all over the world, their abilities to use foreign languages not only on a daily basis but also on a research level, will improve their second or third language greatly without a shadow of doubt.

Moreover, they can also build a significant network on a global basis by making many new friends from different countries.

Last but not least, studying far away from home can definitely offer them a set of invaluable skills that studying at home can never do.

Being independent is an absolute skill that every international student needs to have to be able to develop well in a new country. Without protection or care from family or friends, doing everything independently will make them stronger, so that they will be able to deal with every unwanted accident that happens to them.

Additionally, being put in those scenarios will make each abroad student find the limits in their ability, which is a good way of self-discovery.

Spending college time in an abroad country should be considered as a wise thing to do.

Even though it requires large budgets and needs students to be brave enough to face many challenges, this form of education can completely expand students’ horizons, offer them thrilling opportunities to tune in new cultures and make them become stronger and more mature, which are all the essential materials for their future success.