Examination of cost comparison suggests cafe prices are reasonable
Considering the factors that with the San Jose City College cafeteria item pricing, you may be able to come up with a personal opinion on what may be the best value for your student dollar.
“Costs of goods change constantly due to location, weather, gas prices, supply/demand, and volume. Food costs (raw materials) account for 35-40% of price of menu items, ” said Thomas Nguyen, Vice President of Fresh & Natural, “Prices are set up for at least one year and can only be increased with a formal request (to adjust the contract with the district).”
After speaking with the administration of Fresh & Natural, the company contracted with the district to provide cafeteria services. We checked with the manager of the cafeteria on campus.
“Our prices are not that high, our markup on a bottle of soda. For example, its only about thirty five cents above what Pepsi Charges us,” said Kevin Tranh, well-known manager of Fresh & Natural Cafe, where prices have not risen in 3 years.
Shannon Hips, a freshman student at SJCC felt “the prices are ok, but could be better. I think if you got it at the grocery store, you are able to get it at the same price.”
Do you find the cafeteria prices unreasonable? If so, please contact us at [email protected]
If you have any comments or suggestions about the cafeteria, then let them know [email protected].
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