Earthquake safety

Drill provided for public lacks information for how people can protect themselves in an emergency

Daijunay Turner, Times Staff

Campus wide earthquake preparedness drill was carried out on October 17th, 2019 at San Jose City College called The Great Shakeout drill the alert was a text sent out .

“I do think about what to do during an earthquake. Although I do come from a country called Taiwan where earthquakes do happen more frequently so if one does happen I do remember what we did during earthquakes.” Julia Su, 19, sociology Major.

From the 14th to the 20th there have been 25 earthquakes in San Jose that were reported from the earthquake tracker

Ironically Oct 17,1989 was the anniversary of the 6.9 Loma Prieta Earthquake on the San Andreas Fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains in which killed 63 people.

“ I do not feel prepared if a big earthquake like Loma Prieta were to hit.” said Eduardo Gorcia,17, soon to be an engineer, who is taking classes on campus while in high school.

California is known for having earthquakes , but there are a lot of people who are not informed on what to do in case of emergency.

Even in this case when the information is being given out to San Jose City College students on campus.

“I have never participated in any sort of earthquake drill, nor did I receive any text about an earthquake drill,” student Elsa Lillibridge said.

For tips on what to do during an earthquake visit Victory State Emergency Service states


When indoors

  • Drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy table or any other furniture while waiting for the shaking to end.
  • Rape your arms around your head and sit in a corner if furniture is not around.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and lights fixtures.
  • Do not use elevators

When outdoors

  • Try to not move away from any streetlights, buildings and utility wires.
  • Stay out in the open

In a vehicle

  • Stop gradually as you start to feel it and stay in the car.
  • Do not try to go under buildings, trees and overpasses