Alice (Milla Jovovich), has been fighting the Umbrella Corporation for four years. After killing thousands of living zombies in the head, you would think this would be the last movie, nope!
“Resident Evil: Afterlife,” was neither a bomb nor a five star thriller or action-packed movie like the other series.
There were a few action scenes such as, when Alice jumped off a rooftop after setting a bomb to escape from a massive crowd of man-eating zombies that followed her.
Also, Ali Later (Claire) had to fight a huge, tall and very strong zombie with a big ax while Alice was unconscious. Claire, shot the man-eating zombie in the head, but not stopping him. She ran and escaped his ax by doing a flip over his head and a few minutes later, Alice came to the rescue and shot him one more time.
The beginning of the movie was had disappointing special effects and action. I was expecting hundreds of clones attacking the evil Umbrella Corporation, there were only 20 or 30 clones at the most. This scene should have been the most explosive, action-packed, and dramatic part of the movie.
“Resident Evil Afterlife.” should have had more zombies in the action scenes after showing that most of the world turned into zombies. The only flesh eating zombies seen was in front and inside the prison scene.
The special affects were better than the first “Resident Evil.” Especially when the two dogs split open their heads to eat the main character. Also, when a new and improved Umbrella agent, Shawn (Albert Wesker), tries to kill the old Alice with his advanced strength and speed.
“Resident Evil: Afterlife” is R-rated. This movie is also shown in IMAX 3D theaters. I recommend you see Resident Evil.