Study rooms at San Jose City College are being used more as hangout spots as opposed to studying lately this semester.
The library’s ten study rooms are located on the third floor of the library.
“I would say about 90 percent of students actually study, versus the 10 percent of students that just don’t study and hang out in them” library coordinator Joseph King, 60, said.
Students and librarians are faced with excessive noise, such as loud talking, laughing, playing video games and music on mobile devices. All of which is audible outside the study rooms.
Librarians will be getting more strict on the matter and will be enforcing the rules and procedures that appear on the library’s webpage, King said. Failure to follow these rules and procedures will result in the loss of library privileges.
The extent of the loss of privileges is still being discussed, but they will eventually be drafted into a new policy.
Students also leave their belongings in rooms and come back later.
“They are leaving their stuff in the rooms as if they were in a locker room or a hotel room” King said.
This not only affects the librarians, but the students who go into the library seeking a quiet environment in which to learn.
“Something needs to be done to deal with this. We’re not children, we’re all adults and we’re here to study,” Maria Sanchez, 42, English major, said.
As the semester comes to a close and finals approach, librarians will increase their patrols on the third floor. They will be asking people to leave if they disobey the rules and they feel it is warranted.
“This foolishness just takes away from people that actually have to study and need a quiet environment to do so, such as in the study room,” David Cabrera, 29, liberal arts major, said.