Cat urine glows under a black light.
The tallest girl in the world was 8 feet 2 inches tall and died at the age of 17.
Lions can mate more than 50 times in one day.
Globally, over three million people every month search for something online with the words “interesting facts” in it.
No animal has a longer pregnancy term than that of the African elephant, which is documented to be an average of 22 months.
The 2nd president of the United States (John Adams) and 3rd president of the United States
(Thomas Jefferson) are the only two presidents to die on the same day of the same year.
Squirrels forget where they hide about 50 percent of the nuts they have hidden.
One out of every two million people will die by falling out of bed
There are more people killed by donkeys in a year than planes.
The cigarette company Marlboro’s first owner died of lung cancer.
There is not an English word to rhyme with the word “month.”
In the state of Kentucky, it is against the law to marry a man more than three times.