The Associated Student Government, the SJCC student body, serves San Jose City College students and addresses their concerns.
“We do solemnly swear that we will faithfully execute the Offices of SJCC Associated Student Government and will to the best of our ability, preserve, protect and defend the rights of our fellow SJCC students and community,” the ASG mission statement reads.
Let’s get to know the members of the Associated Student Government. ASG President Francis Seludo is the leader of the student body at the college.
Saludo organizes and gets information from the members.
Vice President of Marketing Leif Benson’s job is to make sure he sets up the school spirit and the school market is going well.
Vice President of Finance Carlos Corona contributes to the management of money and other assets to help the clubs find funding.
Student Trustee Robert Andrade is elected to be the voice of students and represents the interest of the entire community. He provides a student perspective on the issues facing the college.
Director of Communications Moe Shaar is in charge of being the voice of the community’s wants and needs.
Director of Student Engagement Daniel Gonzalez helps organize the engagement of students with their school education and activities.
ASG in its regular weekly meetings makes decisions, allocates funding and addresses student issues. In its Feb. 23 meeting, ASG discussed plans to reopen the gym.
It also discussed providing free food to students.
ASG meets every Wednesday on campus. The meetings are open to the public.
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