Campus Briefs
Obscure College committee activities and decisions shape the outcome of each student’s educational experience
By Larry L. Harris
Times Staff
At its April 13 meeting the Associated Student Government took the following action:
- The ASG approved $2,000 for a Cinco De Mayo Celebration hosted by the Medial club to be held at the Cafeteria quad.
- Student Government also approved $6,000 to provide the football team uniform travel sweats.
- Executive Director of Governmental & External Relations Rosalee Ledesma discussed over 45 possible laws (bills) in the state legislature pertaining to the community college system and its possible effect on students. The ASG subsequently formed a committee to review and inform Ledesma of its concurrence or rejection of each bill.
- The Associated Student Government approved funds not to exceed $300 for the Hall of Excellence program to be held May 12. This program will honor students and faculty for their outstanding contributions to San Jose City College
The Associated Student Government meets every Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Center, room SC 204.
At its April 15 meeting The College Advisory Council took the following action:
- The CAC heard and accepted a report from the Finance committee regarding its Resource Allocation model. This Resource Allocation modes defines how additional funds from the college district will be distributed among the various educational programs at SJCC
- The CAC also and accepted its mission statement.
- An Accreditation update was presented by Vice President Duncan Graham.
The next CAC meeting will be May 6, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Student Center, room SC 204
The Academic Senate met April 19 and discussed the following items:
- Major discussions centered on the recent class cuts initiated by the Chancellors office and the negative impact these dropped classes will have on the college students.
- Chris Frazier of the finance committee gave a presentation showing the allocation of the district’s surplus funds among the various curriculum programs of the college.
- Chairwoman of the Distance Ed (Online learning) committee Heidi Kazlowski updated the Academic Senate on the status of Distance Ed with the introduction of two new manuals to the program, “The SJCC Distance Education Plan Handbook” and “The SJCC Distance Education Plan.”
The next Academic Senate meeting will be May 3 from 2:10 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Student Center, room SC204
Other Campus Events
SJCC dance program presents Moving through Dance, May 5-7 at 8 p.m. SJCC Theater. Tickets are $5 students, seniors and $10 general admission. Tickets will be available at the door.
SJCC Super Saturday for all new students and their parents/supporters. This is a new student orientation to college. New students can receive their ID card, build their education plan, and register for classes. The event will be held April 30 – 8 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Student Center.