Associated Student Government elections will take place on May 11 and May 12. The deadline for applications is 4 p.m. on April 16.
Students are encouraged to apply for positions that they can contribute to the most based on their strengths and expertise.
Voting takes place on Balloteer, and the link is on the ASG Elections webpage.
Election packets are available on the ASG website.
The packets contain the full timeline and all eligibility requirements San Jose City College students need to know in order to run.
The campaigning period for all candidates is from April 20 to May 12 at 11:59 p.m.
Each candidate must submit a campaign statement, headshot and a video to the ASG president’s email by April 19 at 1 p.m. Any campaign questions should be addressed during their individual candidate orientation.
The virtual candidate orientations will be held on April 17 from noon to 5 p.m. It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the ASG president by emailing [email protected] to set up an appointment prior to the day of the orientation.
All expenses should be noted on a candidate expense sheet that must be submitted by email on May 8 at 11:59 p.m. to the ASG president.
The application for candidacy states that students applying must:
- Remain enrolled in SJCC for the duration of their term
- Be currently enrolled in a minimum of five units during the campaign
- Have completed a minimum of five units prior to the application
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 before and during office
There are general roles and responsibilities all officers have to agree to after being elected. These are:
- Attending weekly meetings in SC-115 (Note: On March 18, ASG changed their weekly meetings to special meetings only because of the COVID-19 lockdown.)
- Hold a minimum of five posted office hours per week
- Chair their committee meetings and attend shared governance committees
- Attend the Summer Leadership Institute for ASG trainings
All candidates must be able to fulfill these goals and responsibilities throughout their term.
On the online application, students can apply for as many ASG positions as they would like. These positions are:
- President
- Vice president of finance
- Vice president of marketing
- Chief justice
- Student trustee
- Director of student resources
- Director of student engagement
- Director of communications
All eligible SJCC students are encouraged to run for the Spring 2020 ASG Elections.
All SJCC students can find the results of the ASG elections on May 13. There will be an online announcement at

ASG elections for 2021 will be held May 11 and May 12 online. Students may vote by visiting the ASG website and following the links to Balloteer.