“As a current student of San Jose City College, males can get 36 condoms a month, sexually transmitted diseases screening, and Family planning services,” said J.P. Chang director of Student Health Services.
The center is a resource committed to increasing awareness and reducing STDs.
“Whatever happens here stays here. It’s like Vegas,” Chang Said, “We don’t want any STDs or any pregnancies to interrupt your schooling.”
Nearly 8,300 people from ages 13 to 24 in the United Sates contracted the human immunodeficiency virus in 2009 according to the latest estimate from the Centers for Disease Control. Additional studies reveal that nearly 50 percent of the 19 million new STD cases each year originate in youths from ages 15 to 24. The 39 percent of U.S. high school students who reported being sexually active, said they did not use condoms.
“I always have condoms on me for students because not a lot of students have money and condoms are expensive,” said Allison Torres, 40, labor studies major
At Target, condoms could range from $11 to $30 depending on the brand and style of your choice.
One student said free condoms are not the right way to go.
“I think rather then solving the problem the SHC are encouraging it with condoms,” said Matthew Sparacino, 24, AC Refrigeration. “I was taught not to use a woman for her body. Kids are not being taught that.”
Another student felt that condoms are not used just because they are inconvenient Matthew Knight, 18, engineering, said “ It’s better, it’s easier.”
The services at the Student Health Center are funded by the $17 you pay in you campus fees at the beginning of the semester. Most of the services are reimbursed to the center from the Family Pact Program, said Chang.