- Chinese students from The Second Foreign Language School in Shanghai, China, visited the SJCC campus on March 27
Twenty high school students from China toured the San Jose City College campus on March 27.
The students are from the Second Foreign Language School affiliated with the Shanghai Normal University. Former Interim President Douglas Treadway introduced SJCC to SFLS.
“This is probably the first time for the last few years we have a big visit from outside the U.S.,” said Doriann Tran, international counselor.
The visiting students were led by Tran and volunteer translator Jun Wang, a San Jose State University alumna. They visited the Reading and Writing Center in the library, Chinese language classes in the General Education Building and other building on the campus.
“It was fascinating,” said Xian Xian Guang, principal of SFLS. “Students got exposed to different classrooms and saw things they have never seen at their school in China.
“The students are part of an international program in SFLS,” said Ada Zhang, director of admission at SFLS. “They learn ESL curriculum to study abroad for further study in America, mainly in California.”
After the tour, the students were greeted in the Student Center by Charles Heimler, English instructor, who gave them two English handbooks as a friendly gesture.
The panel include members of the Associated Students and some current international students. They shared their experiences at SJCC with the Chinese students and discussed what SJCC has to offer them.
“They (SJCC) have an international counseling program; students can drop by and get help anytime,” said Ngan Hong, a 20-year-old nursing student. “We (international students) also have registration priority.”
These visiting students also had opportunities to ask some questions. They mainly asked about the Chinese community at SJCC and the transferring process to universities.
“This is my first time in America. Everything here is new to me,” said Rainy Huang, a 16-year-old SFLS student. “I plan on coming here for school, and I want to study everything.”
Tran said the international program at SJCC has been working on promoting the program to other high schools outside the U.S.
She said she hopes SJCC will have a strong collaboration with SFLS and more visits. The goal is to have future visits not only from SFLS, but other schools around the world.
“I think it’s a very beautiful environment,” aid Sunny Scofield, a 16-year-old SFSL students. “This is a very good school, and I plan on coming here.”