Vice Chancellor, Jeanine Hawk said, they are working really hard to reassign staff to other positions. Hawk said, “as of right now, there are no layoffs in the horizon” on Sept. 24 at a forum focused on informing SJCC community on Chancellor’s future plans. Rita Cepeda, Chancellor adds that they are trying to be as sensitive and human as possible when dealing with peoples lives.
There will be cuts in 144 sections that will equal to $622,668 in order to keep budget balance. Last year the District had a total of 16,150 enrollments and 1,550 were not funded by the state according to District Office web site. The estimated number of enrollment for this school year is 14,957 and it is estimated to be funded 100 percent .
The State Chancellor’s office and the Board of Governor focuses on a list of goals that community colleges have to be aligned with in order to receive funding from the state. Some of those goals include student success, economic, and work development and resource development.
The District Office and Chancellor have proposed to implement those goals into their list of priorities in order to keep legislature and fiscal support that funds our district.
“This is the first of what I hope to be a series of conversations,” Cepeda said, “This is all in the spirit of transparency and the spirit of ongoing communication to replace hearsay with factual sources.”