On Oct. 21 the College Visiting Team left recommendations at an exit briefing by Dr. John Morton, Team Chair.
“The school was not surprised about the Accreditation site review recommendations,” said Rita Cepeda.
San Jose City College had more recommendations than Evergreen Valley College.
It is difficult planning, curricular development, issues, facilities, and evaluations, said Cepeda.
“A lot has to do with lack of leadership,” said Cepeda.
The decision of the accrediting commission on the status of the college will not be known until mid-January 2011.
If SJCC passes with flying colors, the college will not get another visit for six years. Cepeda is confident that our school will receive a midterm report.
A midterm report means that the College Visiting Team will visit the campus in three years, and check on the recommendations that were agreed to be fixed.
If recommendations are not fixed, CVT can give warnings to the college.
With a warning you have to show the cause of the problem and explain why it has not been changed. It is a legal process and changes have to be made a lot quicker.
SJCC was commended for their success in engaging students and in valuing diversity. The associated student leaders were commended for their high level of participation in college governance.
“They were amazed and pleased about the student’s voice,” said Cepeda
There are ten recommendations that San Jose City College need to focus on. The following summary of Recommendations was prepared by Doug Treadway.
Program Reviews, Take the process to the next steps and use program reviews in a formalized manner to aid in decision making. The team could not determine where the current program reviews go once completed nor who is using them.
Integrated Planning, The college does not have strategic goals in place that include measurable outcomes. Achieving the Dream was mentioned as a data-based program that could be incorporated. The college needs to have strategic plans for facilities, curriculum, technology and student services which are all integrated.
Research Capacity, (Combined recommendation with the District Office) Information needs to be collected and effectively deployed regarding institutional effectiveness and student achievement as related to college strategic goals and objectives.
Student Learning Outcomes, by 2012 the college must have in place SLOs for all courses, programs and the institution with assessment procedures included. Progress was noted thus far in this area.
Distance Education, The college will need to demonstrate that it is providing the full array of access to student support services, library, financial aid, etc. to distance education classes and students as required. The college should develop an evaluation process for its on-line courses.
Finances. (Combined recommendation with the District Office). Current projections that the reserve levels of the District will fall below 2% in 2012 are of major concern.
Facilities Planning, the College should include the cost of operations and maintenance in budgeting for new facilities.
Evaluations, the College is not following established policies for evaluations of its personnel. (District Recommendation) The Board is not following its own policy for Board Self Evaluation.
College and District Functions, (Combined Recommendation with the District Office)
Improvement is needed clarifying the delineation of functions between district and college.
General College Procedure, need clarity, consistency and uniform implementation.