The day she found out she had Breast cancer she said, “forget it, I am going to live my life to the fullest.”
“Nothing is going to stop me,” she said.
Reid is like most women who go for Mammograms each year to check for breast cancer but her circumstances are a little bit different, for she did not find her cancer through a mammogram, she found a lump on her own by doing her breast self examination.
Reid was extremely disturbed and upset when she found out she had breast cancer but instead of being depressed, Reid then decided to go out dancing that night with her significant other.
Reid underwent a procedure known as a bilateral, which entails the removal of both breasts. She later had reconstructive surgery on both breasts. Thanks to excercising and good living she has not had any reoccurence in 12 years. Reid goes regularly to her check up once every six months.
Also, there are no documented instances of breast cancer in her family. Because of great support after her diagnosis from her family, friends and her fellow breast cancer survivors, she has had a great life. Reid volunteered for the American Cancer Society for two years after her breast cancer was diagnosed.
She has two sons and five grand children and two great grand children. On her off time, she enjoys to excercise and knit. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite movie is “True Love.” Sushi is her favorite food to eat and she loves to go shopping. Reid loves to go to Carmel and Montery for the beach.