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Getting help from home when we are in isolation does not have to be hard to find. There are numerous online resources that are free and available to all.
Though students are not able to physically go to campus and talk to counselors or receive other resources, SJCC has adapted to students’ needs and are providing online services to help during these times of isolation.
As the semester starts, students and professors both are experiencing the same thing for the first time: complete online instruction. Education is just one of the many things that has been greatly impacted by the pandemic.
Here is a list of resources that will help students as they study from home:
Mental health resources
SJCC offers case management, a free resource meant to support students who are in need of help because of distress and struggles with mental health. The case manager can help students who need advice and is also able to refer counseling if needed. Case management is completely free and confidential for the convenience and safety of all students enrolled at SJCC.
“Case management is designed to be flexible,” said Elisse Reyna, a licensed clinical social worker who has been working at SJCC since fall 2019, over the phone. “Because our counselor is part time, students will start with me for some screening, and then I work with them to figure out goals to meet their mental health needs.”
SJCC also provides many links to mental health articles and useful phone numbers for times in crisis. SJCC’s mental health resource page provides information about how to take care of your mental health during isolation, meditations for stress relief and hotlines to use when in need.
“We have to remember that right now we are in a situation that we have never been in before, that in itself is causing stressors,” Reyna said. “Even if you haven’t needed mental health help before, you are probably experiencing it now, and it’s to everyone’s benefit to think about what little things we can do on a daily basis to free up some mind space and let go of our stressful emotions.”
Visit Mental Health Resources page for more information.
Food resources
Students and families in need of food and meals can use the following resources:
Silicon Valley Strong provides a search engine to find places giving out free food closest to your location on its website: https://siliconvalleystrong.org/
San Jose Unified School District posted a list of schools handing out multiple free meals throughout Mondays and Thursdays for everyone 18 and under: https://sjusd.app.box.com/v/Free-Meals-Eng
SJCC’s Jag Market is distributing free groceries every second and fourth Wednesdays 10 a.m. to noon at parking lot D in front of the Student Center. Distribution is done with a drive through system and is free to the whole community. This program is also in need of volunteers. Click here to sign up to volunteer.
Student Emergency Funds
SJCC has an emergency fund obtained through the CARES act that provides emergency financial aid to students who are in desperate need of help. The emergency fund is for students who have found themselves in a situation where finances are stopping them from succeeding academically.
Students can apply for the fund, using this application. Finished applications can be emailed to SJCCemergencyfunds@sjcc.edu.
The Sacred Heart foundation is also providing living assistance. For information on how to get help paying rent, finding housing and paying utility bills visit The Sacred Heart website.
SJCC is also loaning laptops for students. Click here to fill out a request form for a loaner.
Students looking for help with their education plan can schedule an online appointment with an academic counselor here.
SJCC also has online drop-in counseling via ZOOM. Click here to see the drop-in hours. Students can join the ZOOM room using ZOOM ID: 968 – 8897- 4165 during drop-in hours.
Health services
Usually a nurse and doctor can be reached at the on campus health center. For now, all consultations will be completely online. Students can call (408) 780-8893 Monday to Thursdays 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to schedule an appointment to speak with a doctor and nurse.
SJCC programs
SJCC has many academic programs designed to help students succeed. These programs are still accepting applicants and are helping students completely online. Here is a list of some of the programs the college has to offer:
The METAS program’s mission is to empower first-generation students, immigrants and students of color. They provide services like peer mentoring, supplemental instruction, internships, counseling and textbook and calculator lending. For more information visit https://www.sjcc.edu/academics/academic-programs/metas
Pathway to Law School
SJCC offers a special program for students pursuing a law career. Students interested will work closely with a pathway to law school counselor and develop a special education plan. For more information and how to apply visit https://www.sjcc.edu/academics/academic-programs/pathway-to-law-school-program
Honors program
Students looking for a rigorous and challenging educational plan can apply for the SJCC honors program. The honors program will be designated on transcripts, making college applications more competitive when applying to transfer to UCs and CSUs. For more information and to apply visit https://www.sjcc.edu/academics/academic-programs/honors-program