What is Bond Measure X?

A brief summary

Melissa Maria Martinez, Times Staff

What is Measure X?

Measure X is a $748 million bond the district is asking taxpayers to approve in the upcoming November election.

What will the bond fund?

Bond measures have been used to keep school facilities safe and up to date. If approved, taxpayers agree to continue to cover the costs of projects implemented by the San Jose Evergreen Community College District; including but not limited to upgrading, renovating and building at San Jose City and Evergreen Valley colleges.

Where does the money come from?

The money is raised though the property taxes Santa Clara County residents currently pay for sanitary and storm sewer utility services, garbage and recycling service along with other property-based utility services.

What does it need to pass?

In order to pass, the ballot measure must receive at least 55 percent voter approval.

What will the money from Measure X be used for?

According to the resolution approved by the Board of Trustees, the bond will be used to evaluate the needs of returning veterans, safety, university transfer, enrollment trends, class size, reeducation, class availability, information technology and technical job training facilities of the district.

The ballot states the bond money will be used to repair/upgrade classrooms, to prepare students/veterans for jobs/university transfer by repairing/building nursing, engineering, vocational, technology, science/job training classrooms, improving campus, earthquake safety, disabled access, remove asbestos/lead paint, acquiring, constructing, repairing sites, facilities/equipment.

How does this bond measure compare to the 2004 and 2010 G bond measures?

  1. Measure X costs more than the 2004 and 2010 Measure G bonds combined plus 295 million.
  2. Previous bond measures have never made any reference to evaluating the needs of returning military veterans. According to the resolution the Board of Trustees approved, the district has served thousands of military veterans while the ballot language indicate only hundreds of military veterans.
  3. The 2004/10 also never referenced San Jose City and Evergreen Valley’s urgent and critical facility needs and capacity to provide active military veterans with support and job training facilities.
  4. Measure X states it’s going to use the bond money to demolish the child development center as opposed to the 2004 Measure G bond which said it would be renovating and upgrading the building of child development.
  5. Although bond proceeds are not be used for any administrator or faculty salaries, they may be used to reimburse the district for the cost of district staff when performing work on necessary and incidental to bond projects; this was also not in the 2004/10 bond measure ballots.
  6. Measure X also includes the Milpitas Education Center, which is a newly acquired extension of the district.

Source: The bond resolutions and ballot language
As with the previous bond measures, the district may decide not to implement certain projects indicated based on their evaluation of the college’s need.